I make efficient and beautiful UI

Over 10 years of passion for UI & Web Technologies

I love Web Development and delicious designs. I believe web programming and UI design is the challenging yet satisfying career one could have. Graduated in Computer Science and Technology, I started my career in web designing out of pure passion for arts and design.

What separates design from art is that design is meant to be… functional. Cameron Moll

Over the past 10 years I've worked with some amazing small businesses, non-profits, academic institutions and even Fortune 100 companies.

monitor screen with sample webdesign

What I do

Website Development & Hosting

Website Development is my bread and butter.
I have experience working in more than 50 projects

UI/UX Design

I fell love with design before i started to code.
I now code to make by designs look better in any device.

Web Apps Development

Creating Web Apps is the most satisying and challenging.
With modern tools at your disposal, anything is possible.

Mobile App Development

I dabble in Mobile App development.
I have worked with Ionic and React Native

The glorious and beautiful stack of
technologies I get to work with

Why choose me?

Over 5 years in Web Development Industry, Designer turned Programmer, passionate about Web Technologies.
Self Motivated, fast Learner and hungry for more.

Responsive Web Design

I follow strict coding standards in CSS by using BEM naming conventions, properly commenting, organising CSS by SASS imports, and Media Query Mixins for Responsiveness.

Retina Ready Graphics

For someone like me who comes from design background knows a lot about vectors, pixels, and fonts. With beautiful SVG assets and smooth CSS3 transitions I can make your website shine like fine-cut diamonds.

Adept in Frontend Frameworks

I am specialising in ReactJs and I am also comfortable working with Angular and Vue. I focus on getting things done in a simple and efficient way. I choose framework on the basis of what is to be achieved.

Performance and Optimization

To create the best system, performance and optimization are really important. I strive for performant systems and relentlessly optimise to make it better.


Website Prototypes provided here is not final production code. Please bear with the imperfections. This is for demo purpose only.

Skyscanner Dashboard

TwitchTV streamers App

React Material UI

Pfizer Quiz Contest

Mom & Me Product Page

Design Portfolio

My Achievements

These numbers are an estimate of the small and big Professional Projects
including my hobby projects I have done in the past.

80+ Design Projects Worked With
50+ Website Prototyping Projects
10+ Web & Game Apps
1650+ Cups Of Coffee

Have an idea?

You have a great idea and you need help in UI/UX or Frontend Development? Reach out to me